Sr. GFX Artist | UX Designer | 3D Artist
Dedicated and professional with excellent communication skills,
ability to convey business messages with understanding
the business overview, curiosity, high self-learning ability, and a highly developed aesthetic sense.
User Experience deals with understanding the world of users, the need, the market, the component of designing user interfaces, testing, and improving them.
Sr. GFX Artist (RTG) - Avid
Real-Time Graphics consists of designing creating and Developing On-Air graphics, Managing the delivery of graphics while it fully customized for client needs, and assisting them during air time on site, RTG includes the creation of on-air graphics for a number of fields: sports events, live games, Olympics, live sports show, channel branding, news show, whether shows, virtual studios and augmented reality.
TV channels I had worked with: ATV, BBC, MSNBS, CTV, ESPN, Global-TV, HBO, Israel Channel 1, Israel Channel 2 (Reshet) and Israel Channel 9, KTN, Manoto, Red Bee, RTCG, RTL, STV, TV-Zimbo, Virgin Media, WDR, Antena 1, F3 media group, TF1 (France), TV3, RTE (Ireland), Atos, Jasco(shopping channel), MTVA, IU (Indiana University).
3D Artist - CEO and Art Art Director at 3Dspot
Imagery films, architectural modeling, 3D modeling, 3D animation, Presentations, and video editing.
Rock climbing, cooking, oil painting, Katori Shinto Ryu (Japanese sword martial art).
Star Wars fan, a member of the Rebel Legion, and 501st' - a non-profit volunteering organization formed to bring together Star Wars costume enthusiasts volunteering in hospitals and charity events.